Thursday, February 23, 2012

Zimbabwe Workers Strike Because "Mermaid"

Zimbabwe Workers Strike Because
Mermaids, water creature has the head and body like a woman and a tail like a fish only exist in legend. However, because of the mythical creature, the construction of dams in Zimbabwe stopped. The workers fear and refused to return to the job site.

The workers claimed in horror, they harassed the Mermaid, which is said, was in the vicinity of the location, in the City of Gokwe and Mutare.

Unmitigated, this strange word spoken from the mouth of the Minister of Irrigation Zimbabwe, Samuel Sipepa Nkomo, who deliver it directly to the parliament of Zimbabwe. "The workers tell me swear not to go back there again," said Samuel Nkomo Sippa, as published by the Daily Mail.

Mermaid also reportedly appeared in a number of other waters. "White people that we employ also think, if our workers do not want to work. However, they also came back and said, do not want to work there anymore," he added.

Minister Nkomo said the only way to solve that problem is to make traditional beer and held a ceremony to appease evil spirits.
In fact, Zimbabwe needs to build two more dams to maintain adequate water supplies and boost the farm.

In the past, Zimbabwe dubbed the "bread basket" in southern Africa. However, the country's agricultural decline due to lack of government attention. Since 2000, President Robert Mugabe took over 4000 farms owned by whites and divert it to the blacks who have political closeness with him - who did not have the expertise to manage the farm.

That may be the cause of, agricultural production in recent years become the lowest, since Zimbabwe's independence from Britain in 1980.

In Zimbabwe, the confidence level of the population at the Mermaid myth is different. Some are skeptical of the existence of the Mermaid and other mythological creatures, but some are believed Mermaids really exist in Zimbabwe, although not seen himself.

Separately, Ignatius Chombo, Minister of Urban Development, Local Government Zimbabwe Borders and says, ready to mobilize the population to go down into the water, helping to work if needed. However, the move can not be taken if the ritual of appeasement has not been done.

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